Dog training

If your dog shows unwanted behavior, it is important to find and change the cause. Only in this way can long-term learning successes be achieved and a satisfied life made possible for the dog. During the evaluation, I will take a close look at the problem behavior and then analyze it with you and create a training plan. In later training sessions, I will guide you and the dog through further training steps."

As a state-certified animal welfare qualified dog trainer, I work with positive reinforcement. This is the modern form of dog training that has been proven to be the most effective in the long term by many studies. This training makes the relationship between dog and owner much closer and a deep trust and mutual understanding can develop.

Puppy training

As a first-time dog owner, one is often overwhelmed by all the opinions and advice from acquaintances on how to raise the puppy. I am at your side with advice and action for all questions you have when looking for the right puppy, for initial equipment up to moving in and dealing with the young puppy.

Basic Training

Not every dog likes to go to a group course or you want to be instructed more individually. Then I will gladly come to your home or we arrange to meet at training favorable location and we practice everyday signals like sit, place, heel, stop, touch, leave it, leash guidance and many more. You have the opportunity to decide which signals you want to train with your dog and which ones you won't really use.

Problem behaviour

If your dog shows unwanted behavior, it is important to find the cause and change it. Only then can long-term learning successes be achieved and the dog can live a satisfied life. During the evaluation, I will take a close look at the problem behavior and analyze it with you afterwards and create a training plan. In later training sessions, I will guide you and your dog through the further training steps.

Typical behavioral problems are: 

  • Fear
  • Aggression
  • Leash reactivity
  • Ressource guarding
  • Hyperactivity
  • Hunting
  • Seperation anxiety
  • etc.

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